To Workout or No???....That is the question

posted by Aspiring To Be...Me on ,

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For the past 4 years or so, I have been plagued with coming into my...."womanhood." With that womanhood, I have gained a lot of weight. At first, I wasn't too upset about it and I'm not really upset about it now, its more so that I've noticed that huge amounts of cottage cheese that has engrossed my thick thighs and legs. I have also notice the muffin top that is beginning to develop around my midsection.

I don't really mind weighing 145-152 lbs, but I do mind the excess fat that has developed. But for some reason I can't work up the nerve to workout consistently. I can get motivated to do it and then after 3 days or so that motivation is gone. And don't let me start working out the week before that time of the month comes....oh honey...its a done deal. I won't workout for weeks and then the whole cycle starts over again.

I thought being home with my family, especially my dad would be good for me, but even he is starting to slack off as well. Of course, I have no one to workout with in Fort Worth, Texas. I thought my mom was on this whole kick of getting her life together both spiritually, emotionally and physically, but she ain't talkin' about nothing either. So I'm left by myself like I always am.

I am hoping that from this day forward I can come up with some type of regimen and track it on here. This way my blog is kind of like my companion, my enforcer and encourager to keep at this.

But I'm also afraid of....(i know this is going to sound silly and this shouldn't be so crucial for me) ....losing my amazing rear. I have had many compliments on it as well as frustrations from it too. But I don't want to lose in my effort to get in shape. I know, I know getting in shape and being healthy shoud be way more important to me then keeping a big butt, but (hehehe) I can't help it....What am I to do???

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