Media Reviews

Yes...Spiritual Seekers, I have blogs dedicated to different forms of media. I know this may sound extremely odd to some who feel as though spirituality is a complete and utter detachment from all things worldly or at least not seeking them out to occupy a significant amount of your time. Because most of a spiritual seekers time should be dedicated to spiritual practices, right? And especially not to sitting on a couch and staring at a TV screen?

Well, I've found the complete opposite. Some of my most inspirational and motivational times have, of course, come from reading spiritual books but more often than not it has also come from watching movies and listening to music. Some with no spiritual intentions or plot.

So, in light of this and a wish from one of my spiritual teachers, I've decided to share all the movies, books and music that have helped me along on the spiritual path, through the good and bad, motivating me to keep keep taking one step at a time until I have arrived.

So it is here that you can either select one of the tabs in the drop down menu or click on one of the links below:

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