My Journey into Veganism...

posted by Aspiring To Be...Me on ,

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I decided to get eliminate the presence of meat in my life 2 years and 5 days ago. July 15th is my vegversary. I told myself that it wouldn't be enough for me to just be a vegetarian. Now I know most may be confused, because you don't know why I became a vegetarian. I know some people do it for health reasons, others do it for religious reasons and then others do it because they do not want to harm animals. I started because I do not believe that we have to harm or kill animals in order for us to survive. I don't believe that God would want us to treat his beautiful creations the way we do, just so we can eat and waste it.

It took me a while to build up the courage to do it. I tried doing it for like 3 days in high school with my first Morningstar Farms Breakfast Sandwich, but I was too weak. I had other things that I thought were important to me like boys, friends and money.

Then I tried again in college right around the summer of my sophomore year. This time I lasted for a week. I was working 3 jobs to come back to school and my dad thought that I was going through a phase. So I didn't have much support emotionally and all my finances were going towards school, so I gave it up.

It wasn't until one random day in the middle of the summer of my junior year that I decided ENOUGH! Enough of me making excuses for not following through on what I believe. I had a freezer filled with meat, family packs of chicken drumsticks and porkchops, 10lb roll of ground beef, a pot roast and much more....I gave it away. I didn't waste by just throwing it away. I gave it to my college friends. I went to the store and stocked up on veggie friendly foods.

From that point on I began to change my diet and my outlook on life.

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