The BET....It's ON!!!

posted by Aspiring To Be...Me on ,


If any of you have read my LIST OF DREAMS than you know that it is a goal of mines to get in shape and be healthy. I have noticed lately that its harder for me to walk up the stairs and I easily lose my breath.

I have also been trying to get my mother to lose weight and get in shape as well. We have both been battling this for quite a while. Now don't get me wrong I'm not huge or anything, but I'm truly out of shape and would like to lead an active lifestyle.

So my mom and I have come up with a bet. At first It was going to be something crazy like who can stick with the longest. Than it gradually became more realistic and we decided on the first to lose 20 pounds. We decided on 20 simply because I don't want to lose more than that.

We were supposed to start on Monday. Needless to say, she did not show up to weigh herself. When I weighed myself via Wii Fit Plus at 8:27 am on July 19th, I went from 150 lbs to 147 lbs (I had been trying to get in shape for about a week prior to the "weigh in"). Now our bodies weight shifts throughout the day and my little Wii board did inform me that it was actually in the middle of the day, when I weighed myself 11 days prior. So it is possible that I didn't lose anything, but nonetheless the bet went down to the first to 15 lbs, lol.

So now its on....I haven't worked out in about 2 or 3 days. I know I need to get back on it...AAAANNNNDDD I plan on taking a trip to Cali, mid September and I do plan on going to the beach. Yeah,  its getting real.

*whispering* and yesterday I pigged out and had not one, not two but 3 chocolate chip cookies and a bag of my favorite parmesan garlic potato chips and now its 4pm the next day and I have yet to workout...not looking to good huh???


  1. Anonymous
  2. Anonymous

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