My 30 Day Yoga Challenge

posted by Aspiring To Be...Me on ,

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Almost 2 months ago, I was challenged by one of my spiritual teachers, Sadhvi Siddhali Shree, to practice yoga everyday for 30 days. The plan was not for me to practice yoga for a set amount of time or to do certain poses, but only to some form and some amount of yoga everyday. I  could practice it at anytime of the day, no restrictions at all.

I hit the ground running at the beginning of this challenge. I was excited and very much energized to complete it. I looked forward to each day knowing that I would begin it with a practice that is so relaxing, challenging and inspiring all at the same time. I didn't worry about the amount of time I spent practicing yoga, regardless if it was 30 minutes or an hour.

As time progressed, it became harder for me fulfill my challenge. I went from full blown excitement and energy to not having enough energy to attempt it. I came to the point where, it was hard to get up to start my yoga session, but once I was in it...I was in it. I realized why I needed this and was happy to be doing it.

Even more time progressed,  I would say  I was in the home stretch maybe about a week or so before my challenge ended.  I could barely muster up enough motivation to do my yoga. I had to subject myself to reading my journal entries to remind me of how good I feel when I do yoga. That was sad. My yoga sessions had dwindled to 15 and 20 minutes at times. I was so disappointed with myself. I wondered why at the end? Why didn't this happen in the beginning? This wasn't the correct order of things. I rationalized with myself that at least I was doing everyday. I hadn't fallen completley off the challenge.

Finally the end arrived. I completed the 30 day challenge by only missing one day and making up for it with 2 sessions in one day, the very next day. I didn't fall off after that. You would think that after 21 days, my yoga sessions would have evolved into a habit right????....Haha NOPE!!! I didn't roll out a mat or get up for a session for 2 WEEKS!!!! I know right....what in the world?

My yoga challenge has been in shambles ever since....Even today with all that's going on, I'm still struggling to get it back.

Others may feel, well duh?!?!?! you just moved to a new state, new city, new house, roommates, the pressures of grad school and obligations to keep in contact with those back have more important things to worry about...

But it's more than that....Yoga is WAY more than just posas you do to get your stomach tight or your butt flat. It is derived from spiritual origins as a means of opening yourself up, relaxing the nerves to enter into true meditation. It keeps you focused and provides clarity. It's like a physical cleanse for your body, mind and soul. This is why it is so important for me to get Yoga back in my life...

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