Spirituality = Darkness At Times...

posted by Aspiring To Be...Me on ,


My last couple months of school have been like a purgatory for me. Instead of Heaven and Hell, it has been Spirituality and Society. I started off this year so enthusiastic about my spiritual path. I was going to truly begin transforming myself and being truly committed to my path....boy did I get what I asked for.

During my sadhana in trying to do it whole-heartedly, I would use certain phrases or things or goals to help me. Such as saying to myself, that I know suffering is inevitable, so I want to face it now instead of waiting and be afraid to go through it....be careful what you pray for, you just might get it and man did I.

It led me to this dark place of frustration, loneliness, sadness and not anger but extreme exhaustion. I've seriously thought about giving up on it all; on school, on friendships, on my spiritual path. I've asked myself over and over what am I doing this for. Because I was so tired of thinking, I watched more and more television online to get the mind off of it. As a result, the quality of my schoolwork began to fall. I got behind in school instead of being ahead like I had planned. All of this just caused me even more despair. I was so depressed that I couldn't do anything. I couldn't think, move, speak or do sadhana. I didn't want to speak to any of my friends and for many days did not. I secluded myself to my room for days because I couldn't stomach seeing the faces of another human being.

I hadn't sat down to do sadhana in over a week...until this morning. Although I didn't have this AH-HA, I'm back moment while reciting the universal mantras, I realized that I needed help, I needed support and words of encouragement...I decided to read one of my spiritual teachers blog and watch my spiritual masters YouTube video on problems. It helped me to see that I'm simply being....a PUNK! I can't wimp out. I don't want to wimp out.

I mean I asked for this right? I asked to endure the suffering so I could be a better person. I prayed to experience the pain from my past lives to break through the karma. I repeatedly asked for this over and over WHILE reciting mantras?!?!?!...I guess I never thought in a million years that it would be this hard for me psychologically; to have to do it by myself makes it all the more harder. I mean I have people around me, but I'm not sure if I have some around physically around me that truly understands what I'm going through and how hard this is.

But the funny thing is, even if I had someone or several people, I have this deep feeling that I need to go through it alone. That I need to learn by myself without relying upon others. I need to learn how to be content alone without being lonely.

I'm not sure how one does that. I've tried thinking of ways to cure my loneliness, but they haven't worked out as of yet. I guess I'll just keep trying until something just clicks...but will anything ever click?

Is it possible that I'm going through a prolonged dark night of the soul?


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