Coming Back

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Dear….Whoever is Reading ;-),

I have been struggling to reconnect with my spiritual path for the past 4 months. I’ve gone back and forth between the society or the world and God or Soul for quite some time. Despite all the knowledge I’ve accumulated and the spiritual experiences I’ve had, I still struggled with what and how serious I should take my spiritual path and growth.

I started simply wanting to see and hear God in everything and everyone. To hear God speaking to me as clearly as I talk to my mom on the telephone. To have the same compassion and love for all living beings animals and plants alike that I believe God has for all living beings. But as my spiritual path progressed, my desire for Truth for enlightenment and true awareness increased as well.

As that increased so did the difficulty of walking the spiritual path. It became too hard, too difficult, too time consuming, too anything that sounded like a good reason to not to it. As I slipped away from my spiritual path, I grew nearer and nearer to material things and worldly pleasures. I became lonely and desired a companion more and more. I wanted to escape and travel and live a life of luxury. I started thinking of ways to improve my physical appearance and more. But why?

Why would I slip back when I know that they will not and do not bring me true lasting happiness? Why would I settle for temporary, insignificant fleeting happiness? Why would I settle for a happiness that would never be real? A happiness that I would have to constantly work at and have to make sacrifices for only to experience that “happiness” for a few moments when I knew that permanent happiness accompanied by peace and pure bliss was waiting on the other side.

I’ll tell you why because I was scared and still am. I am scared to let go of the comfortable, the known rather. I know the time, energy and effort it will take for me to be happy. I can see it. I’ve experienced material happiness….I haven’t experience transcendental happiness. The happiness that can only come from an eternal, powerful divine source.  The only source that could create the material beauty I see in front of me.  But the problem lies in my trust, my belief that that happiness actually exists.

I’m currently undergoing a 6 week intensive Jain Studies program in India. And we are presently residing in Jaipur, Rajasthan on the grounds of a Digambar Jain temple. Today we had a class entitled, “The Path of Spiritual Awakening/Purification.” I won’t give the professor’s name for confidential reasons, but in any case, she was amazing and obviously knew her stuff.

Everything she was saying spoke to me and reminded me of my present dilemma and my struggles with spirituality this year; especially my struggles with letting go of worldly pleasures. But the one thing she said that really made me feel like I needed to get my…..together was this:

“There is no way that one can fulfill their desires. Desires are insatiable. Absence of desires gives happiness not the fulfillment of those desires. The only way to eliminate those desires is to learn more about the true nature of soul and experience and realize that true nature. Then and only then will all desires cease to exist. ”

This is so true and yet one of the hardest things for me to do. Especially coming from an American background where desire is the number one motivation for the masses. So how do I get rid of my desires? Do I force myself to go into solitude? Do I go on a month long retreat in the middle of nowhere? Do I just simply stop going out with friends and family? Cut myself out from the world when at times I desperately yearn to be in it?

Why does being spiritual have to be so hard?

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