Where Are You Going?

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Dear Friends,

     I just wanted to share a little quote that literally just came up in class and expound upon how I feel about it. I'm sitting in a class about Integrating Modern Science and Spirituality. And at the bottom of one of the professor's slides in red writing was the quote,
"It doesn't matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are going."
      Over the past few weeks, I have been trying to go into the past. Back to who I once was adn wondering if my past was so bad so tainted and had such a stronghold that it was not possible for me to reach my future, spiritually that is. I've been surrounded by individuals who have already renounced and seriously taken up the spiritual path and others who have had profound spiritual experiences and those who are so relaxed on the path that they have lost all expectations and hence are at peace. When I reflect on what I know about them and their journey to get to all these various points, it doesn't seem as bad as mines. When I hear about them it makes feel like I have committed "too many sins" to overcome them and reach the destination that I so seek. But today in class this simple quote popped out at me and helped me to see that all though my past has to be dealt with. The only way it will keep me from walking towards my future is if I allow it to.

     I think of stories I've heard about very successful individuals who had it rough when they were younger. Prominent, World Changing Individuals such as Martin Luther King, B.R. Ambedkar and Rosa Parks. And I also think of individuals such as Tyrese, Hill Harper and others who are not known, one of which I've just recently met on this trip. Despite their rough histories, regardless if it was a resutl of race, drugs, a broken home, finances, juvenile delinquency or a combination of the former, they have risen above it all. They used their history to make them who they are today. And now they are highly successful individuals, some are philanthropists, public roles models and more. And had they allowed their history to dictate their future they wouldn't have made an impact on the lives of so many, such as myself.

     Now I completely understand that this may be cliche, overdone or a very simple concept that everyone knows and has probably encountered at one point in their life, but I have found that when you hear things from those you love at the most random of times, you tend to be more inspired, more likely to act on that advice and take it to heart than you would any other time. So this is for those who have yet to hear this from someone they know, from someone they love :-)


     So if you're feeling down and out, overwhelmed, pressured or inadequate, don't let yourself hold you back. Don't let what HAS happened, determine what WILL happen.

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