My LadyBug Friend...You Can't Do It Alone

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I've always prided myself on being a very independent and strong woman. I was raised on the principle that no one can do it for you, you have to do it yourself. This is a principle that has its time and place in a person's life, but not for the entire duration of it.

When I was trying to make straight A's in grade school to get in honors classes for high school. When I was volunteering at several non profit agencies, playing high school sports, working and trying to maintain my grades to get into college, this phrase carried me through. It got me into college, graduated with a degree in 4 years, and landed me a good job.

Things have changed. My life has changed. My purpose has changed. This principle no longer has a place in my life. Yet I can't let it go.

I can't shake the pride I have in doing something completely on my own and showing the world that it was all me. To be quite honest, I've never had anyone try to be there or do things for me to even know what it feels or would look like.

I've learned a lot over the past few months, few weeks even. Most of which has come from myself, spiritual individuals, spiders, millipedes and ladybugs. Yes, ladybugs.

I was walking my dog today. We took an extremely long walk which we haven't done in a long while with all the snow. While we were on our way home, I noticed a puddle of melted water an a ladybug on dry sidewalk heading towards it.

If you don't know, I have always been fascinated by nature; its creatures, how they move, where they go and so on. I can sit and watch a spider just chill on the ground or hang on its web for minutes. So of course, I stopped to see the ladybugs' journey.

It slowly began to crawl near a patch of damp sidewalk. It easily made it through that.

Then it enter the shallow end of the puddle. It easily made it through that.

Gradually it got deeper and deeper. It wasn't until the ladybug reach the crack. The ditch between sidewalk and solid ground could it not go any longer.

I could see its tiny legs moving. Trying to get across, but with no luck.

Finally, I couldn't take it any longer and gave the little one a nudge to get to the grass.

Lesson you may ask? I have your answer.

We try and try and try to do things on our own. We research and research and find techniques to battle whatever obstacle is in our path. To make it through the storm, the river, the puddle, the day, the week or what have you on our own, but there comes a point where we all need a little nudge.

So today and everyday remember

the little ladybug :-)

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