Archive for April 2012

Learning to See...

posted by Aspiring To Be...Me on ,

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"No one can teach you how to see."
                   -Neytiri, character from Avatar

Yes, I did quote a line from a movie, but let me explain. I have a group of movies that may not be deliberately spiritual in nature, but they evoke and remind me of my personal spiritual motivations. And Avatar is one of them. You may be wondering what in this movie could spark me in any kind of way. The first of which is this line.

In the movie, a human, Jake Sully, obtains an Avatar body and goes into their "world" so to speak. While in the forest or jungle or whatever you want to call it, he is attacked by animals, but is saved by Neytiri, a native. Now, although, Jake may look like a native, he is unable to truly act as one. Neytiri criticizes him and calls him a baby wandering around making trouble because he cannot see. Patronizingly, Jake says well teach me and above is how she responds.

What do you mean you can't teach someone to see? As long as they have eyes that function why not?

Neytiri is speaking of seeing not with the physical eyes. She is speaking of seeing from your heart, from your soul. This is what I want to do.

I want to be able to see with my heart with my soul. These physical eyes deceive me everyday and are unable to help me "see" the connection that I have with nature, will all living beings. With them I can only see what's on the surface. I can see the leaves and how green they are, but I can't see the eternal energy that lies beneath. The flowing energy within all living beings that flows between us all. My physical eyes are unable to tap into that.

I have always been drawn to nature and its creatures. Ever since I was little, I've always wanted to have some sort of a pet or play outside. As I grew this fascination with the earth has followed me in different forms. I have so much empathy for homeless animals and peoples, any abused or mistreated animals and humans alike. It has even carried over into my spiritual practices. I don't mind doing my sadhana inside, but for some reason feels more....natural for me to do it outside. I just feel oneness or something when I do.

But I know this feeling whatever it is, is only superficial. I want it to be realized in my being that my physical eyes will be "opened." This is one of the many things that Avatar   reminds me of anytime I watch it.

I want to be able to see with my soul.

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