Archive for November 2010

Winefest 2010

posted by Aspiring To Be...Me on ,


I come to you proud to say that I have successfully completed one of the activities on my DREAMS list.  I went to my FIRST  wine tasting EVER!!! Now it was not a traditional wine tasting where you go to a vineyard or a winery and sit down and have samples of wine brought to you. Rather, I was invited by one of the my closest friends to the 2010 Winefest in Addison. There were about 15 or so restaurants and several wine vendors totaling to more than 20 tables/stations with either wine and food or just wine. You would sample whichever wines you would like.

Now I've never been a big wine person at all. I can't get over the bitter/vinegar/fermented taste of it. I only do well with EXTREMELY sweet wines like moscato. My favorite is the Castello del Poggio Moscato that is served at the Olive Garden. I can drink that stuff like its juice. But I've made it a point to overcome this fear of mines and ACQUIRE a taste of wine. I'm not sure exactly how this works. I'm assuming that you just have to drink it enough to simply get over the taste. Not sure if that will work on me, but I'll give it a try.

First things first this Winefest. I felt extremely under dressed. I was pressed for time trying to come up with 2 outfits to wear for the club after the Winefest. Then of course I couldn't find crap-o-la because everything packed up. Then when I finally find an outfit the tights that I had to go with it either had runs or holes in the crotch. So I had to go buy some more.  I ended up simply wearing some sandals, dark blue jeans, and a thin grey sweater like shirt.  Everyone at the event were dressed in heels, boots , blazers and anything else formal.

Secondly, the food surprisingly was very good and semi veggie friendly. They had way more options than I was expecting. I thought I would only be able to eat cheese and fruit. Instead,  Iwas able to enjoy spinach and cheese quesadillas, vegetarian pizza, bruschetta, bruschetta with white beans and goat cheese (goat cheese I know right?!?!?!), chips and salsa, and greek salad and for dessert italian gelato. Your girl was full and feeling right by the end of the night.

Thirdly, the most important part of the night...WINE!!! I tried Merlot, Chianti, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Raspberry flavored Wine (can't remember the proper name of it), and my favorite SANGRIA, red AND white!!! I made frequent trips to the sangria table throughout the night.

Throughout the night  my company tried various wines and could taste the different flavors used to such as strawberries, cherries, raspberries and so on. I on the other hand couldn't taste diddly squat. It all tasted bitter to me, except for the sangria and the raspberry wine of course. Everytime they commented on the notes of the wine or whatever you want to call it, I was just lost like what the heck are you talking about? There's no strawberries in this.

Luckily for me there was one thing that trumped the bittersweet taste of wine. That was my company.  I went with my soror, my friend, my sister, Candace ,and her sister, Caresse. It was nice to catch up and spend some time with a good friend. Her sister, boy her sister had me rolling the entire night. From people watching to commenting on the refreshments to the obtainment of our tickets, I couldn't stop smiling and laughing.

So although I didn't acquire a taste for wine, I did enjoy a lot of laughs and lots of fun with dear friends :-)

Musical Expressions....POSTPONED!!!

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So this very short post, is just to inform everyone that my guitar lessons have stopped or better yet been postponed. 

I was going to lessons for about 3 weeks, and when I actually took the time out to practice I did improve at a faster rate than I did when I was trying to learn on my own. The only problem was that I couldn't always work myself up to practicing at home by myself on a consistent basis.

I found myself going to lessons sometimes without having practiced at all. I figured that this was not fair to myself or my instructor. So  I will pick them up, when I'm more motivated to practice :-)

Grey Areas = Confusion

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Have you ever been in place where you truly have no idea what to do, what to say or how to act? You're so bamboozled between your own feelings and desires and that of another? When you want to talk or hang out with someone SOOO badly, but you're unsure if the other person feels the same way? When you start to second guess whether or not you should text them "I want to see you" or "Hey lets grab something to eat" or anything that involves interactions between you two? You hesitate at acting on your thoughts concerning them for fear of looking or coming off as desperate or stalker-ish. You can't tell if you're being prideful or cautious of your own feelings.

Doesn't it frustrate you even more when you're typically AWESOME at reading other people and being able to tell when someone is or isn't into you? What their intentions are when it comes to you? If what they're saying is out of pure interest or just to entertain you and not hurt your feelings? And now you're at a crossroads, you can't tell if the person is just waiting for you to make the move, for you to show that you're genuinely interested in them or if they just aren't feeling you like that?

If you haven't been able to tell already, I hate the guessing game.  I hate playing games or trying to figure people out. It used to be my thing, it used to give me a thrill especially when I was right, but now....I'm at the point where I just want you to be straight up with me. No matter how good, bad or UGLY, it maybe.

Hence why GREY AREAS SUCK. They do nothing but cause stress and CONFUSION!

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