Archive for October 2010

My Texan Gateway...

posted by Aspiring To Be...Me on ,

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I think I've found it. My little place of tranquility, nature and peace. A place of simplicity and solitude. A place where I can recollect my thoughts and remember what it is that drives me. There was once a point in time where  I was driven by financial success. I wanted material possessions. I wanted the big 2 story house, the nice BMW in the drive way. The closet full of designer clothes. The body to kill for accompanied by the long flow hair and the flawless skin. With enough money to have a house in Spain and one in the Caribbeans.

But after spending time at the Cedars on the Brazos, I have realized that these things no longer drive the Nichollette that I am today. Instead I am driven by 4 things: the well being of all living beings, humans and non-humans alike, travel, nature and the search for God. I love animals purely hence the reason for me becoming a vegetarian. I love watching nature interact with nature. I sat for minutes watching a team or school or whatever of tadpoles in the Brazos river. I then spent the next few minutes trying to catch them in my hand. I watched spiders spin their webs in amazement and how they reacted when part of it was destroyed. I marvelled at the sight of cows grazing. I love going to sleep with sound of flowing water, crickets chirping and cattle calling each other. That is my peace. That is what I've found at the Cedars.

Here are just a few pics of what that peace looks like:

I thought this was one of the most amazing, rare finds in nature. Until low and behold,  I tried to take a shot from below and saw the hair clip attaching it lol.

This is the view from where  I meditated one morning. Just imagine coming out of meditation to see this :-)

Inside the Dream Catcher Suite...

Big Rock Park

Lexi and I inside the "Queen's Bathtub" at Big Rock Park.

I was under a boulder at the park, just thinking about how happy and blessed  I was at that moment.

I started playing with the camera features on my phone. I should go into photography huh???

Honeysuckle never smelled so sweet...

The view from the back porch. I would read and journal here in the morning and at night before bed.

I'm really starting to think photography is for me...

The End...

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