Archive for September 2010

Self Realization Fellowship.... Kriya Yoga

posted by Aspiring To Be...Me on ,

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Sooooo yoga journey has taken some sharp turns and pauses along the way. I was attending the beginner yoga classes at Indigo, but I stopped because of work and I began gaining weight and the poses started getting harder for me to do. I refused to go to the Wednesday classes with the NOISY instructor. 

I also never made it over to Ananda Dallas the yoga center that combines Christianity and Yoga that I wrote about way back when.

Instead I have been attending a weekly Buddhist Meditation Class (of the Kadampa Buddhist Tradition- ) and have been meditating on my own and attending church whenever I get the chance.

The Buddhist classes have been AMAZING.  I even considered converting to Buddhism (not entirely) and starting their Foundation Program which is an in depth study of Buddhism. After my trip to California and truly thinking about this decision I decided that Buddhism is not the way for me. Mainly because I want to have a relationship with God and Buddhism does not really concern itself with God, mainly just ones ability to detach from earthly things to be released from samsara. The concepts are shockingly similar to Christian teachings.

One of my closest friends and I have similar outlooks when it comes to religion and spirituality. She took me to this place in LA called Lake Shrine. It is one of the retreat centers of the Self Realization Fellowship. (here are a few pics)

(This is the shrine dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi it contains a portion of his remains. The Founder of SRF, Paramahansa Yogananda, initiated Gandhi into the Kriya Yoga path.)

(If you can see it has a statue of Krishna, and a quote from the Bhagavad Gita)


(Statue of Jesus Christ, he is at the highest point in the Meditation Gardens and is also the focal point)

Below is a representation of all the major faith traditions with their correlating prominent symbol.

The SRF was founded by Paramahansa Yogananda. He was a very well known Guru of the Kriya Yoga path that preached tolerance and involvment in all major faith traditions. For the most part he focuses on Christianity and Yoga.

When I first was looking at the website and researching, I thought it might of been a little cultish, but then I read over the main principles and began reading his book:

And I've decided that its EXACTLY what I'm looking for....I have ordered the Self Realization Lessons (the first 20). I won't receive them for another 4 to 6 weeks. I'm kind of nervous about it though. I'm scared....mainly because its completely different from what I'm used to.

As always, I will keep you posted.


posted by Aspiring To Be...Me on , ,

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So I know it has been a really really long time since I have posted anything on my blog. Needless to say a lot has been going in my life and I've been trying to get it figured out...But I have decided to do something extremely big at least for me and I can't keep it in any longer...

For the past few months, I have struggled with the maintenance of my hair. I've never been a hair person, never been good with styling, coming up with and sticking to a routine or any of that stuff and because of it my hair has never been at its best. NO matter how many more YouTube videos I watch or websites I look at I can never be consistent. Right now in my life, I NEED to feel as though I look good everyday. Lately I've been rocking a itsy bitsy fro with a headband. Its not picked out and its constantly breaking off....I just don't feel cute. I don't feel attractive and appealing.

I'm typically not a shallow or vain individual, but I need something to feel right, something to boost my confidence. With all of this being said, I have decided to lock my hair. I do not have the time or patience to twist it up every night, my job does not permit to wear cute funky hairstyles, and its not good to straighten it all the time. So the solution is SISTERLOCKS. All I have to do to them is literally wash and go. No moisturizers, no deep conditions, no twisting, just wash when I need to and go.

I know it will be a journey for me, they will not look amazing in the beginning, but like I said it is a journey for me. It is also a spiritual journey. One of my biggest obstacles that keep me from having the relationship I want with God is my attachment to earthly things and emotions.

I've always had my qualms about locks due to their permanence. And me feeling like I'm going to MISS MY FRO, MISS THE BIGNESS OF MY FRO, THE TWISTOUTS, THE BRAIDS and so on. Are you catching my drift???

If I can go through with this, this will show myself and God that I'm serious about making her first. If I can go through with this then I can detach from anything and not let money, clothes, shoes, or my emotions influence my decisions.

I know this may seem farfetched, but these are my thoughts.

I posted a decision about hair on YouTube ( and plan on  tracking this new journey that I'm embarking on....I hope you'll join me :-)

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